Self Aware?


Do all humans have consciousness? That is, an awareness of self-existence as opposed to something that is alive but not aware. One might conclude that everyone has consciousness because they talk, react and act like all other humans but this is where I question this concept. For example, do animals have consciousness? I used to raise goats and they seem to be very smart. What about insects, bacteria, plants? Do any of these living things have an awareness of their self-existence? When I observe animals such as dogs, especially the ones who seem to be really intelligent, I'm amazed at their human like reactions. They seem to show real emotions, likes and dislikes, protectiveness. Yet a dog is just an animal, like any other animal, like some animals that we kill and eat.


I believe a dog's 'personality' is hardwired or programmed into it's DNA just like a computer program. All animal's natural instincts are programmed into their DNA to act like the animal that they are. A cat acts like a cat, a dog acts like a dog, a goat a goat and so on. Yet are they conscious of their being? Do they wake up and think about what they're going to do today? Are they worried about making next month's car payment? Do they give thanks to God for their existence or are some of them atheists? For the sake of decency let's just say that they don't really have consciousness. Because if they do, then we as human beings murder billions of conscious beings everyday to eat. What about human beings? Can they be programmed to act like a human? To talk and react and bring to memory something that happened to them last week? Yet, is it possible for there to be no awareness of self existence? I think it's entirely possible myself. But also, I don't think it's probable. The thing is, there's no way to tell the difference.

Artificial Intelligence

not available

Think of Siri, the artificial intelligence app that people have on their phones. Microsoft has Cortana, Google has Alexa.. These apps are getting 'smarter' everyday. But, it's all just electrical signals flowing through wires and transistors. No life, no self-awareness. Right? I truly believe there is no life there and never can be, despite movies like '2001 Space Odyssey'. Yet I believe that they can eventually create a robot that acts just alive as a real human being. And the thing is, a human being's brain is actually nothing more than a biological computer. The computer code is in our DNA. The app that makes us us. Just like a dog has their own program or app.


So, the big question is, what divides us from consciousness to just a computer? An animal, a plant, a bacteria? I really don't have the answer to that. And every time I eat a hamburger or fish sandwich I wonder if I'm eating a sentient being...


Jan/25/2020 10:31:59 AM
I believe we are 'artificial' intelligence. Just a biological one instead of a mechanized one and that 'GOD' is OUR CREATOR. For God is a being of a different race? Probably not the right word, which there are more of his kind as in angels. And yes, I believe that all life is sentient in it's own way to a differ degree or level .

Nov/18/2020 11:41:40 AM
Good question though I don't know I fully understand . Maybe I should reread. The concept that behavior is hard wired into DNA I don't believe true whether human or animal, possibly to the extent of self preservation. I believe it more to be personality traits and environmental influence learned through evolution , the more aggressive survive.

Nov/18/2020 12:25 PM
Maybe I shouldn't say 'personality' is hard wired but I do believe their natural instinct is.  

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Those Eyes

This is Sadie, a mini-Lamancha goat. They are known for their tiny ears. We raised Sadie back when we were doing the 'homestead' thing. I was intrigued by how intelligent these animals are. She was alert and playful and I was sad when we moved back into town and we had to give her to some good friends who had a farm and was able to take care of her.